Cairn Distillery
TGP was commissioned by Gordon & MacPhail to deliver both landscape planning and design services for Cairn Distillery at Grantown on Spey.

The Site is located in the River Spey strath, within the Cairngorms National Park. The LVIA and design process took cognisance of the sensitivity of the local landscape in the assessment of potential effects on the Special Landscape Qualities (SLQs) of the National Park and those on the visual amenities of local residents and visitors, as well as ecological constraints and opportunities.

The design approach focused on the delivery of a natural aesthetic, incorporating native woodland and parkland-style tree planting, in combination with native wildflower meadow and marginal wetland areas to enhance existing habitats within the site and exert a positive, lasting impact on the character of the surrounding Spey valley.
“I congratulate the applicant on a thorough and well-presented application. This is a major development for the area and this will be the first malt whisky distillery to be approved by the Cairngorms National Park Authority since it was established in 2003.”
Eleanor Mackintosh, CNPA Planning Committee Convener